107 manuscripts, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0099-460X; citations >9880; Hirsch number (H-factor) is 49; 26 papers cited >100 times; 10 cited >200 X; 8 cited >300 X; 4 cited >400 X; 2 cited >500 X; 1 cited >1400 X; January 2025.
Selected key original publications in recent years
Boon N, Lu X, Andriessen CA, Orlovà M, Quinn PMJ, Boon CJF, Wijnholds J (2023) Characterization and AAV-mediated CRB gene augmentation in human derived CRB1KO and CRB1KOCRB2+/KO retinal organoids. Mol Ther Methods Clin Dev 31:101128
Riedmayr LM, Hinrichsmeyer KS, Thalhammer SB, Mittas DM, Karguth N, Otify DY, Böhm S, Weber VJ, Bartoschek MD, Splith V, Brümmer M, Ferreira R, Boon N, Wögenstein GM, Grimm C, Wijnholds J, Mehlfeld V, Michalakis S, Fenske S, Biel M, Becirovic E (2023) mRNA trans-splicing dual AAV vectors for (epi)genome editing and gene therapy. Nat Commun 14:6578
Buck TM, Quinn PMJ, Pellissier LP, Mulder AA, Jongejan A, Lu X, Boon N, Koot D, Almushattat H, Arendzen CH, Vos RM, Bradley EJ, Freund C, Mikkers HMM, Boon CJF, Moerland PD, Baas F, Koster AJ, Neefjes J, Berlin I, Jost CR, Wijnholds J (2023) CRB1 is required for recycling by RAB11A+ vesicles in human retinal organoids. Stem Cell Reports 18:1793-1810
Boon N, Lu X, Andriessen CA, Moustakas I, Buck TM, Freund C, Arendzen CH, Böhringer S, Boon CJF, Mei H, Wijnholds J (2023) AAV-mediated gene augmentation therapy of CRB1 patient-derived retinal organoids restores the histological and transcriptional retinal phenotype. Stem Cell Reports 18:1123-1137
Nguyen XT, Talib M, van Schooneveld MJ, Wijnholds J, van Genderen MM, Schalij-Delfos NE, Klaver CCW, Talsma HE, Fiocco M, Florijn RJ, Ten Brink JB, Cremers FPM, Meester-Smoor MA, van den Born LI, Hoyng CB, Thiadens AAHJ, Bergen AA, Boon CJF (2022) CRB1-Associated Retinal Dystrophies: A Prospective Natural History Study in Anticipation of Future Clinical Trials. Am J Ophthalmol 234:37-48
Talib M, van Schooneveld MJ, Wijnholds J, van Genderen MM, Schalij-Delfos NE, Talsma HE, Florijn RJ, ten Brink JB, Cremers FPM, Thiadens AAHJ, van den Born LI, Hoyng CB, Meester-Smoor MA, Bergen AA, Boon CJF (2021) Defining inclusion criteria and endpoints for clinical trials: a prospective cross-sectional study in CRB1-associated retinal dystrophies. Acta Ophthalmol 99:e402-e414
Buck TM, Vos RM, Alves CH, Wijnholds J (2020) AAV-CRB2 protects against vision loss in an inducible CRB1 retinitis pigmentosa model. Mol Ther Methods Clin Dev 20:423-441
Selected publications in high impact journals:
- Wijnholds J, Evers R, van Leusden MR, Mol CA, Zaman GJ, Mayer U, Beijnen JH, van der Valk M, Krimpenfort P, Borst P (1997) Increased sensitivity to anticancer drugs and decreased inflammatory response in mice lacking the multidrug resistance-associated protein. Nat Med 3:1275-1279
- Riedmayr LM, Hinrichsmeyer KS, Thalhammer SB, Mittas DM, Karguth N, Otify DY, Böhm S, Weber VJ, Bartoschek MD, Splith V, Brümmer M, Ferreira R, Boon N, Wögenstein GM, Grimm C, Wijnholds J, Mehlfeld V, Michalakis S, Fenske S, Biel M, Becirovic E (2023) mRNA trans-splicing dual AAV vectors for (epi)genome editing and gene therapy. Nat Commun 14:6578
- Ramkumar N, Omelchenko T, Silvia-Gagliardi NF, McGlade CH, Wijnholds J, Anderson KV (2016) Crumbs promotes cell ingression during the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition at gastrulation. Nat Cell Biol 18:1281-1291
- Wijnholds J, de Lange EC, Scheffer GL, van den Berg DJ, Mol CA, van d V, Schinkel AH, Scheper RJ, Breimer DD, Borst P (2000) Multidrug resistance protein 1 protects the choroid plexus epithelium and contributes to the blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier. J Clin Invest 105:279-285
- Wijnholds J, Scheffer GL, van der Valk M, van der Valk P, Beijnen JH, Scheper RJ, Borst P (1998) Multidrug resistance protein 1 protects the oropharyngeal mucosal layer and the testicular tubules against drug-induced damage. J Exp Med 188:797-808
- Wijnholds J, Mol CA, Van Deemter L, de Haas M, Scheffer GL, Baas F, Beijnen JH, Scheper RJ, Hatse S, De Clercq E, Balzarini J, Borst P (2000) Multidrug-resistance protein 5 is a multispecific organic anion transporter able to transport nucleotide analogs. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 97:7476-7481
- Reid G, Wielinga P, Zelcer N, van der Heijden I, Kuil A, de Haas M, Wijnholds J, Borst P (2003) The human multidrug resistance protein MRP4 functions as a prostaglandin efflux transporter and is inhibited by nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 100:9244-9249
- van Helvoort A, de Brouwer A, Ottenhoff R, Brouwers JF, Wijnholds J, Beijnen JH, Rijneveld A, van der PT, van der Valk MA, Majoor D, Voorhout W, Wirtz KW, Elferink RP, Borst P (1999) Mice without phosphatidylcholine transfer protein have no defects in the secretion of phosphatidylcholine into bile or into lung airspaces. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 96:11501-11506
- Wijnholds J, Philipsen JN, AB G (1988) Tissue-specific and steroid-dependent interaction of transcription factors with the oestrogen-inducible apoVLDL II promoter in vivo. EMBO J 7:2757-2763
- Alves CH, Pellissier LP, Wijnholds J (2014) The CRB1 and adherens junction complex proteins in retinal development and maintenance. Prog Retin Eye Res 40:35-42
- Borst P, Evers, R, Kool M, Wijnholds J (2000) A family of drug transporters: the multidrug resistance-associated proteins. J Natl Cancer Inst 92:1295-1302
- Kim S, Lehtinen MK, Sessa A, Zappaterra MW, Cho S-H, Gonzalez D, Boggan B, Austin CA, Wijnholds J, Gambello MJ, Malicki J, LaMantia AS, Broccoli V, Walsh CA (2010) The apical complex couples cell fate and cell survival to cerebral cortical development. Neuron 66:69-84
- Zelcer N, van de Wetering K, de Waart R, Scheffer G, Marschall HU, Wielinga P, Kuil A, Kunne C, Smith A, van der Valk M, Wijnholds J, Oude Elferink R, Borst P (2006) Mice lacking Mrp3 (Abcc3) have normal bile salt transport, but display altered hepatic transport of endogenous glucuronides. J Hepatology 44:768-75
All publications:
Citation report
H-index: 49. With 26 manuscripts cited >100 times; 10>200x; 8>300x; 4>400x; 2>500x; 1>1440x
Number of publications: 107 plus 5 book chapters and 1 edited book
Sum of the times cited: >9880
Peer-reviewed journal articles
107► McDonald A, Gallego C, Andriessen C, Orlová M, Gonçalves MAFV, Wijnholds J (2025) Conventional and Tropism-Modified High-Capacity Adenoviral Vectors Exhibit Similar Transduction Profiles in Human iPSC-Derived Retinal Organoids. Int J Mol Sci 26:55. doi: 10.3390/ijms26010055.
106► McDonald A, Wijnholds J (2024) Retinal Ciliopathies and Potential Gene Therapies: A Focus on Human iPSC-Derived Organoid Models. Int J Mol Sci 25:2887. doi: 10.3390/ijms25052887.
105► Buck TM, Quinn PMJ, Pellissier LP, Mulder AA, Jongejan A, Lu X, Boon N, Koot D, Almushattat H, Arendzen CH, Vos RM, Bradley EJ, Freund C, Mikkers HMM, Boon CJF, Moerland PD, Baas F, Koster AJ, Neefjes J, Berlin I, Jost CR, Wijnholds J (2023) Stem Cell Reports 18:1793-1810.
104► Boon N, Lu X, Andriessen CA, Moustakas I, Freund C, Arendzen CH, Böhringer S, Boon CJF, Mei H, Wijnholds J (2023) AAV-mediated gene augmentation therapy of CRB1 patient-derived retinal organoids restores the histological and transcriptional retinal phenotype. Stem Cell Reports 18:1123-1137.
103► Riedmayr LM, Hinrichsmeyer KS, Thalhammer SB, Mittas DM, Karguth N, Otify DY, Böhm S, Weber VJ, Bartoschek MD, Splith V, Brümmer M, Ferreira R, Boon N, Wögenstein GM, Grimm C, Wijnholds J, Mehlfeld V, Michalakis S, Fenske S, Biel M, Becirovic E (2023) mRNA trans-splicing dual AAV vectors for (epi)genome editing and gene therapy. Nat Commun 14:6578.
102► Boon N, Lu X, Andriessen CA, Orlovà M, Quinn PMJ, Boon CJF, Wijnholds J (2023) Characterization and AAV-mediated CRB gene augmentation in human derived CRB1KO and CRB1KOCRB2+/KO retinal organoids. Mol Ther Methods Clin Dev 31:101128.
101► Karuntu JS, Nguyen XT, Talib M, van Schooneveld MJ, Wijnholds J, van Genderen MM, Schalij-Delfos NE, Klaver CCW, Meester-Smoor MA, van den Born LI, Hoyng CB, Thiadens AAHJ, Bergen AA, van Nispen RMA, Boon CJF (2023) Quality of life in patients with CRB1-associated retinal dystrophies: A longitudinal study. Acta Ophthalmol doi: 10.1111/aos.15769.
100► Schoonderwoerd RA, Buck TM, Andriessen CA, Wijnholds J, Hattar S, Meijer JH, Deboer T (2022) Sleep Deprivation Does not Change the Flash Electroretinogram in Wild-type and Opn4-/-Gnat1-/- Mice. J Biol Rhythms 37:216-221.
99► Nguyen XT, Talib M, van Schooneveld J, Wijnholds J, van Genderen MM, Schalij-Delfos NE, Klaver CCW, Talsma HE, Fiocco M, Florijn RJ, ten Brink JB, Cremers FPM, Meester-Smoor MA, van den Born LI, Hoyng CB, Thiadens AAHJ, Bergen AA, Boon CJF (2022) CRB1-associated retinal dystrophies: a prospective natural history study in anticipation of future clinical trials. Am J Ophthalmol 234:37-48.
98►Boon N, Alves CH, Mulder AA, Andriessen CA, Buck TM, Quinn PMJ, Vos RM, Koster AJ, Jost CR, Wijnholds J (2021) Defining Phenotype, Tropism, and Retinal Gene Therapy Using Adeno-Associated Viral Vectors (AAVs) in New-Born Brown Norway Rats with a Spontaneous Mutation in Crb1. Int J Mol Sci 22:3563.
97► Möller-Kerutt A, Rodriguez-Gatica JE, Wacker K, Bhatia R, Siebrasse JP, Boon N, Van Marck V, Boor P, Kubitscheck U, Wijnholds J, Pavenstädt H, Weide T (2021) Crumbs2 is an essential slit diaphragm protein of the renal filtration barrier. J Am Soc Nephrol 32:1053-1070.
96►Talib M, van Schooneveld MJ, Wijnholds J, van Genderen MM, Schalij-Delfos NE, Talsma HE, Florijn RJ, ten Brink JB, Cremers FPM, Thiadens AAHJ, van den Born LI, Hoyng CB, Meester-Smoor MA, Bergen AA, Boon CJF (2021) Defining inclusion criteria and endpoints for clinical trials: a prospective cross-sectional study in CRB1-associated retinal dystrophies. Acta Ophthalmol 99:e402-e414.
95►Nguyen XT, Talib M, Nguyen XT, Talib M, van Cauwenbergh C, van Schooneveld MJ, Fiocco M, Wijnholds J, Ten Brink JB, Florijn RJ, Schalij-Delfos NE, Dagnelie G, van Genderen MM, de Baere E, Meester-Smoor MA, De Zaeytijd J, Balikova I, Thiadens AA, Hoyng CB, Klaver CC, van den Born LI, Bergen AA, Leroy BP, Boon CJF (2021) Clinical characteristics and natural history of RHO-associated retinitis pigmentosa: A long-term follow-up study. Retina 41:213-223.
94► Buck TM, Vos RM, Alves CH, Wijnholds J (2020) AAV-CRB2 protects against vision loss in an inducible CRB1 retinitis pigmentosa model. Mol Ther - Methods Clin Dev 20:423–441.
93►Buck TM, Wijnholds J (2020) Recombinant Adeno-Associated Viral vectors (rAAV)-vector elements in ocular gene therapy clinical trials and transgene expression and bioactivity assays. Int J Mol Sci 21:4197.
92►Gallego C, Gonçalves MAFV, Wijnholds J (2020) Novel therapeutic approaches for the treatment of retinal degenerative diseases: focus on CRISPR/Cas-based gene editing. Front Neurosci 14:838.
91►Boon N, Wijnholds J, Pellissier LP (2020) Research models and gene augmentation therapy for CRB1 retinal dystrophies. Front Neurosci 14:860.
90►Tait C, Chinnaiya K, Manning E, Murtaza M, Ashton JP, Furley N, Hill CJ, Alves CH, Wijnholds J, Erdmann KS, Furley A, Rashbass P, Das RM, Storey KG, Placzek M (2020) Crumbs2 mediates ventricular layer remodelling to form the spinal cord central canal. Plos Biology 18:e3000470.
89►Nguyen XT, Talib M, van Schooneveld MJ, Brinks J, Ten Brink J, Florijn RJ, Wijnholds J, Verdijk RM, Bergen AA, Boon CJF (2020) RPGR-Associated Dystrophies: Clinical, Genetic, and Histopathological Features. Int J Mol Sci 21:835.
88►Quinn PM, Buck TM, Mulder AA, Ohonin C, Alves CH, Vos RM, Bialecka M, van Herwaarden T, van Dijk EHC, Talib M, Freund C, Mikkers HMM, Hoeben RC, Goumans MJ, Boon CJF, Koster AJ, Chuva de Sousa Lopes SM, Jost CR, Wijnholds J (2019) Human iPSC-derived retinas recapitulate the fetal CRB1 CRB2 complex formation and demonstrate that photoreceptors and Müller glia are targets of AAV5. Stem Cell Reports 12:906-919.
87►Quinn PM, Wijnholds J (2019) Retinogenesis of the human fetal retina: An apical polarity perspective. Genes 10:987.
86►Alves CH, Wijnholds J (2019) Microglial Cell Dysfunction in CRB1-associated retinopathies. Adv Exp Med Biol 1185:159-163.
85►Alves CH, Boon N, Mulder AA, Koster AJ, Jost CR, Wijnholds J (2019) CRB2 loss in rod photoreceptors is associated with progressive loss of retinal contrast sensitivity. Int J Mol Sci 20:4069.
84►Quinn PM, Mulder AA, Alves CH, Desrosiers M, de Vries SI, Klooster J, Dalkara D, Koster AJ, Jost CR, Wijnholds J (2019) Loss of CRB2 in Müller glial cells modifies a CRB1-associated retinitis pigmentosa phenotype into a Leber congenital amaurosis phenotype. Hum Mol Genet 28:105-123.
83►Wijnholds, J (2019) "Basal Cell Migration" in Regeneration of the Corneal Wound-Bed. Stem Cell Reports 12:3-5.
82►Quinn PM, Alves CH, Klooster J, Wijnholds J (2018) CRB2 in immature photoreceptors determines the superior-inferior symmetry of the developing retina to maintain retinal structure and function. Hum Mol Genet 27:3137-53.
81►Talib M, van Schooneveld MJ, Thiadens AA, Fiocco M, Wijnholds J, Florijn RJ, Schalij-Delfos NE, van Genderen MM, Putter H, Cremers FPM, Dagnelie G, Ten Brink JB, Klaver CCW, van den Born LI, Hoyng CB, Bergen AA, Boon CJF (2018) Clinical and genetic characteristics of male patients with RPGR-associated retinal dystrophies: A Long-Term Follow-up Study. Retina 39:1186-1199.
80►Talib M, van Schooneveld MJ, Van Cauwenbergh C, Wijnholds J, ten Brink JB, Florijn RF, Schalij-Delfos NE, Dagnelie G, van Genderen MM, de Zaeytijd J, Cremers FPM, van den Born LI, Thiadens AA, Hoyng CB, Klaver CC, Leroy BP, Bergen AA, Boon CJF (2018) The spectrum of structural and functional abnormalities in female carriers of pathogenic variants in the RPGR gene. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 59:4123-4133.
79►Buck TM, Pellissier LP, Vos RM, van Dijk EHC, Boon CJF, Wijnholds J (2018) AAV Serotype Testing on Cultured Human Donor Retinal Explants. Methods Mol Biol 1715:275-288.
78►Quinn PM, Buck TM, Ohonin C, Mikkers HMM, Wijnholds J (2018) Production of iPS-Derived Human Retinal Organoids for Use in Transgene Expression Assays. Methods Mol Biol 1715:261-273.
77►Alves CH, Wijnholds J (2018) AAV Gene Augmentation Therapy for CRB1-Associated Retinitis Pigmentosa. Methods Mol Biol 1715:135-151.
76►Quinn PM, Pellissier LP, Wijnholds J (2017) The CRB1 Complex: Following the Trail of Crumbs to a Feasible Gene Therapy Strategy. Front Neurosci 11:175.
75►Dudok JJ, Leonards PEG, Wijnholds J (2017) Genetic and Molecular Approaches to study neuronal migration in the developing cerebral cortex. Brain Sci 7:E53.
74►Talib M, van Schooneveld MJ, van Genderen MM, Wijnholds J, Florijn RJ, Ten Brink JB, Schalij-Delfos NE, Dagnelie G, Cremers FP, Wolterbeek R, Fiocco M, Thiadens AA, Hoyng CB, Klaver CC, Bergen AA, Boon CJ (2017) Genotypic and Phenotypic Characteristics of CRB1-Associated Retinal Dystrophies: A Long-Term Follow-up Study. Ophthalmology 124:884-895.
73►Ramkumar N, Omelchenko T, Silvia-Gagliardi NF, McGlade CH, Wijnholds J, Anderson KV (2016) Crumbs promotes cell ingression during the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition at gastrulation. Nat Cell Biol 18:1281-1291.
72►Dudok JJ, Murtaza M, Alves CH, Rashbass P, and Wijnholds J (2016) Crumbs 2 prevents cortical abnormalities in mouse dorsal telencephalon. Neurosci Res 108:12-23.
71►Ramkumar N, Harvey BM, Lee JD, Alcorn HL, Silva-Gagliardi NF, McGlade CJ, Bestor TH, Wijnholds J, Haltiwanger RS, Anderson KV (2015) Protein O-Glucosyltransferase 1 (POGLUT1) Promotes Mouse Gastrulation through Modification of the Apical Polarity Protein CRUMBS2. PLoS Genet 11: e1005551.
70►Pellissier LP, Quinn PM, Alves CH, Vos RM, Klooster J, Flannery JG, Heimel JA and Wijnholds J (2015) Gene Therapy into Photoreceptors and Muller Glial Cells restores Retinal Structure and Function in CRB1 Retinitis Pigmentosa Mouse Models. Hum Mol Genet 24:3104-3118.
69►Zhao M, Andrieu-Soler, Kowalczuk L, Paz Cortés M, Berdugo M, Dernigoghossian M, Halili F, Jeanny JC, Goldenberg B, Savoldelli M, El Sanharawi M, Naud MC, van Ijcken W, Pescini-Gobert R, Martinet D, Maass A, Wijnholds J, Crisanti P, Rivolta C, and Behar-Cohen F (2015) A new CRB1 rat mutation links Muller glial cells to retinal telangiectasia. J Neurosci 35:6096-6106.
68►Alves CH, Pellissier LP, Vos RM, Garcia Garrido M, Sothilingam V, Seide C, Beck SC, Klooster J, Flannery JG, Verhaagen J, Rashbass P, Seeliger MW, and Wijnholds J (2014) Targeted ablation of Crb2 in photoreceptor cells induces Retinitis Pigmentosa. Hum Mol Genet 23:3384-401.
67►Pellissier LP, Lundvig DMS, Tanimoto N, Klooster J, Vos RM, Richard F, Sothilingam V, Garcia Garrido M, Le Bivic A, Seeliger MW, and Wijnholds J (2014) CRB2 acts as a modifying factor of CRB1-related retinal dystrophies in mice. Hum Mol Genet 23:3759-71.
66►Alves CH, Pellissier LP, and Wijnholds J (2014) The CRB1 and adherens junction complex proteins in retinal development and maintenance. Prog Retin Eye Res 40:35-42.
65►Pellissier LP, Hoek RM, Vos RM, Aartsen WM, Klimczak RR, Verhaagen J, Flannery JG, Wijnholds J (2014) Specific Tools for Targeting Mouse and Human Müller Glial Cells. Mol Ther Methods Clin Dev 1:14009.
64►Pellissier LP, Alves CH, Quinn PM, Vos RM, Tanimoto N, Lundvig DMS, Dudok JJ, Hooibrink B, Richard F, Beck SC, Huber G, Sothilingam V, Garcia-Garrido M, Le Bivic A, Seeliger MW and Wijnholds J (2013) Targeted Ablation of Crb1 and Crb2 in Retinal Progenitor Cells Mimics Leber Congenital Amaurosis. PLoS Genet 9:e1003976.
63►Alves CH, Bossers K, Vos RM, Essing AHW, Swagemakers S, van der Spek PJ, Verhaagen J and Wijnholds J (2013) Microarray and morphological analysis of early postnatal CRB2 mutant retinas on a pure C57BL/6J genetic background. PloS ONE 8(12):e82532.
62►Dudok JJ, Sanz AS, Lundvig DMS, Sothilingam V, Garcia-Garrido M, Klooster J, Seeliger MW and Wijnholds J (2013) MPP3 regulates levels of PALS1 and adhesion between photoreceptors and Muller glia cells. Glia 61:1629-44.
61►Assémat E, Crost E, Ponserre M, Wijnholds J, Le Bivic A, Massey-Harroche D. (2013) The Multi-Pdz Domain Protein-1 (Mupp-1) Expression Regulates Cellular Levels Of The Pals-1/Patj Polarity Complex. Exp Cell Res 319:2514-25.
60►Dudok JJ, Sanz AS, Lundvig DMS, and Wijnholds J (2013) MPP3 is required for maintenance of the apical junctional complex, neuronal migration and stratification in the developing cortex. J Neurosci 33:8518-27.
59►Alves CH, Sanz AS, Park B, Pellissier LP, Tanimoto N, Beck SC, Huber G, Murtaza M, Richard F, Sridevi Gurubaran I, Garcia-Garrido M, Levelt CN, Rashbass P, Le Bivic A, Seeliger MW and Wijnholds J (2013) Loss of CRB2 in the mouse retina mimics human Retinitis Pigmentosa due to mutations in the CRB1 gene. Hum Mol Genet 22:35-50.
58►Park B, Alves CH, Lundvig DM, Tanimoto N, Beck SC, Huber G, Richard F, Klooster J, Andlauer TF, Swindell EC, Jamrich M, Le Bivic A, Seeliger MW and Wijnholds J (2011) PALS1 is essential for retinal pigment epithelium structure and neural retina stratification. J Neurosci 31:17230-17241.
57►Aartsen WM, van Cleef KWR, Pellissier L, Hoek RM, Vos RM, Blits B, Ehlert EME, Balaggan KS, Ali RR, Verhaagen J and Wijnholds J (2010) GFAP-driven transgene expression in activated Müller glial cells following intravitreal injection of AAV2/6 vectors. PLoS One 5:e12387.
56►Kim S, Lehtinen MK, Sessa A, Zappaterra MW, Cho S-H, Gonzalez D, Boggan B, Austin CA, Wijnholds J, Gambello MJ, Malicki J, LaMantia AS, Broccoli V and Walsh CA (2010) The apical complex couples cell fate and cell survival to cerebral cortical development. Neuron 66, 69-84.
55►Jaissle GB, May CA, van de Pavert SA, Wenzel A, Claes-May E, Giessle A, Szurman P, Wolfrum U, Wijnholds J, Fisher MD, Humphries P and Seeliger MW (2010) Bone spicule pigment formation in retinitis pigmentosa: insights from a mouse model. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 248:1063-70.
54►Fischer MD, Huber G, Beck SC, Tanimoto N, Muehlfriedel R, Fahl E, Grimm C, Wenzel A, Remé CE, van de Pavert SA, Wijnholds J, Pacal M, Bremner R and Seeliger MW (2009) Noninvasive, in vivo assessment of mouse retinal structure using optical coherence tomography. PLoS One 4:e7507.
53►Stöhr H, Heisig JB, Milenkovic V, Strauss O, Benz1 PM, Aartsen WM, Wijnholds J, Weber BHF and Schulz HL (2009) TMEM16B, a novel protein with calcium-dependent chloride channel activity, associates with a presynaptic protein complex in photoreceptor terminals. J Neurosci 29:6809-18.
52►Aartsen WM, Arsanto J-P, Chauvin J-P, Vos RM, Versteeg I, Nunes Cardozo B, Le Bivic A, and Wijnholds J (2009) PSD95β regulates plasma membrane Ca(2+) pump localization at the photoreceptor synapse. Mol Cell Neurosci 41:156-65.
51►de Wolf C, Jansen R, Yamaguchi H, de Haas M, van de Wetering K, Schinkel A, Wijnholds J, Beijen J and Borst P (2008) Contribution of the drug transporter ABCG2 (Breast Cancer Resistance Protein) to resistance against anti-cancer nucleosides. Mol Cancer Therapeutics 7:3092-102.
50►Van de Pavert SA, Sanz AS, Aartsen WM, Vos RM, Versteeg I, Beck SC, Klooster J, Seeliger MW and Wijnholds J (2007) Crb1 is a determinant of retinal apical Mueller glia cell features. Glia 55(14):1486-97.
49►Van de Pavert SA, Meuleman J, Malysheva A, Aartsen WM, Versteeg I, Tonagel T, Kamphuis W, McCabe CJ, Seeliger MW and Wijnholds J (2007) A single amino acid substitution (Cys249Trp) in the sixth epidermal growth factor (EGF) domain of Crb1 causes retinal degeneration and deregulates expression of Pituitary tumor transforming gene 1 (Pttg1). J Neurosci 27:564-573.
48►de Wolf CJF, Yamaguchi H, van der Heijden I, Wielinga PR, Hundscheid SL, Ono N, Scheffer GL, de Haas M, Schuetz JD, Wijnholds J and Borst P (2007) cGMP transport by vesicles from human and mouse erythrocytes. FEBS J 274:439-450.
47►Gavarini S, Becamel C, Altier C, Lory P, Poncet J, Wijnholds J, Bockaert J and Marin P (2006) Opposite effects of PSD-95 and MPP3 PDZ proteins on serotonin 5-HT2C receptor desensitization and membrane stability. Mol Biol Cell 17: 4619-4631.
46►van Rossum AG, Aartsen WM, Meuleman J, Klooster J, Malysheva A, Versteeg I, Arsanto J-P, Le Bivic A and Wijnholds J (2006) Pals1/Mpp5 is required for correct localization of Crb1 at the sub-apical region in polarized Müller glia cells. Hum Mol Genet 15 :2659-72.
45►Richard M, Roepman R, Aartsen WM, van Rossum AG, den Hollander AI, Knust E, Wijnholds J and Cremers FP (2006) Towards understanding CRUMBS function in retinal dystrophies. Hum Mol Genet 15: R235-R243.
44►Aartsen WM, Kantardzhieva A, Klooster J, van Rossum AG van de Pavert SA, Versteeg I, Nunes Cardozo B, Tonagel F, Beck SC, Tanimoto N, Seeliger MW and Wijnholds J (2006) Mpp4 recruits Psd95 and Veli3 towards the photoreceptor synapse. Hum Mol Genet 15:1291-302.
43►Kantardzhieva A, Alexeeva S, Versteeg I, and Wijnholds J (2006) MPP3 is recruited to the MPP5 protein scaffold at the retinal outer limiting membrane. FEBS J 273:1152-1165.
42►Minich T, Riemer J, Schultz JB, Wielinga P, Wijnholds J and Dringen R (2006) The multidrug resistance protein 1 (Mrp1), but not Mrp5, mediates export of glutathione and glutathione disulfide from brain astrocytes. J Neurochem 97:373-384.
41►Zelcer N, van de Wetering K, de Waart R, Scheffer G, Marschall HU, Wielinga P, Kuil A, Kunne C, Smith A, van der Valk M, Wijnholds J, Oude Elferink R and Borst P (2006) Mice lacking Mrp3 (Abcc3) have normal bile salt transport, but display altered hepatic transport of endogenous glucuronides. J Hepatology 44:768-75.
40►Seeliger MW, Beck S, Pereyra-Muñoz N, Dangel S, Tsai J-Y, Luhmann U, van de Pavert S, Wijnholds J, Samardzija M, Wenzel A, Zrenner E, Fahl E, Tanimoto N, Acar N and Tonagel F (2005) In vivo confocal imaging of the retina in animal models using scanning laser ophthalmoscopy. Vision Res 45:3512-9.
39►Michel D, Arsanto JP, Massey-Harroche D, Beclin C, Wijnholds J and Le Bivic A (2005) PATJ connects and stabilizes apical and lateral components of tight junctions in human intestinal cells. J Cell Sci 118:4049-57.
38►Kantardzhieva A, Gosens I, Alexeeva S, Punte IM, Versteeg I, Krieger E, Neefjes-Mol CA, den Hollander AI, Letteboer SJF, Klooster J, Cremers FPM, Roepman R and Wijnholds J (2005) MPP5 recruits MPP4 to the CRB1 complex in photoreceptors. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 46:2192-201.
37►Wielinga P, Hooijberg JH, Gunnarsdottir G, Kathmann I, Reid R, Zelcer N, van der Born K, de Haas M, van der Heijden I, Kaspers G, Wijnholds J, Jansen G, Peters G and Borst P (2005) The human multidrug resistance protein MRP5 transports folates and can mediate cellular resistance against antifolates. Cancer Res 65:4425-30.
36►Meuleman J, van de Pavert S and Wijnholds J (2004) Crumbs homologue 1 in polarity and blindness. Biochem Soc Trans 32, 828-830.
35►van de Pavert S, Kantardzhieva A, Malysheva A, Meuleman J, Versteeg I, Levelt C, Klooster J, Geiger S, Seeliger M, Rashbass P, Le Bivic A and Wijnholds J (2004) Crumbs homologue 1 is required for maintenance of photoreceptor cell polarization and adhesion during light exposure. J Cell Sci 117, 4169-4177.
34►Borst P, Balzarini J, Ono N, Reid G, de Vries H, Wielinga P, Wijnholds J and Zelcer N (2004) The potential impact of drug transporters on nucleoside-analog-based antiviral chemotherapy. Antiviral Res 62, 1-7.
33►Hu X, Plomp A, Wijnholds J, Ten Brink J, van Soest S, van den Born LI, Leys A, Peek R, de Jong PT and Bergen AA (2003) ABCC6/MRP6 mutations: further insight into the molecular pathology of pseudoxanthoma elasticum. Eur J Hum Genet 11, 215-224.
32►Hu X, Plomp AS, van Soest S, Wijnholds J, de Jong PT and Bergen AA (2003) Pseudoxanthoma elasticum: a clinical, histopathological, and molecular update. Surv Ophthalmol 48, 424-438.
31►Reid G, Wielinga P, Zelcer N, de Haas M, Van Deemter L, Wijnholds J, Balzarini J and Borst P (2003) Characterization of the transport of nucleoside analog drugs by the human multidrug resistance proteins MRP4 and MRP5. Mol Pharmacol 63, 1094-1103.
30►Reid G, Wielinga P, Zelcer N, van dH I, Kuil A, de Haas M, Wijnholds J and Borst P (2003) The human multidrug resistance protein MRP4 functions as a prostaglandin efflux transporter and is inhibited by nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 100, 9244-9249.
29►Wielinga PR, van der Heijden I, Reid G, Beijnen JH, Wijnholds J and Borst P (2003) Characterization of the MRP4- and MRP5-mediated transport of cyclic nucleotides from intact cells. J Biol Chem 278, 17664-17671.
28►Wielinga PR, Reid G, Challa EE, van dH I, Van Deemter L, de Haas M, Mol C, Kuil AJ, Groeneveld E, Schuetz JD, Brouwer C, De Abreu RA, Wijnholds J, Beijnen JH and Borst P (2002) Thiopurine metabolism and identification of the thiopurine metabolites transported by MRP4 and MRP5 overexpressed in human embryonic kidney cells. Mol Pharmacol 62, 1321-1331.
27►den Hollander AI, Ghiani M, de Kok YJ, Wijnholds J, Ballabio A, Cremers FP and Broccoli V (2002) Isolation of Crb1, a mouse homologue of Drosophila crumbs, and analysis of its expression pattern in eye and brain. Mech Dev 110, 203-207.
26►Scheffer GL, Hu X, Pijnenborg AC, Wijnholds J, Bergen AA and Scheper RJ (2002) MRP6 (ABCC6) detection in normal human tissues and tumors. Lab Invest 82, 515-518.
25►ten Hove T, Drillenburg P, Wijnholds J, Te Velde AA and van Deventer SJ (2002) Differential susceptibility of multidrug resistance protein-1 deficient mice to DSS and TNBS-induced colitis. Dig Dis Sci 47, 2056-2063.
24►Schultz MJ, Wijnholds J, Peppelenbosch MP, Vervoordeldonk MJ, Speelman P, van Deventer SJ, Borst P and van der Poll PT (2001) Mice lacking the multidrug resistance protein 1 are resistant to Streptococcus pneumoniae-induced pneumonia. J Immunol 166, 4059-4064.
23►Scheffer GL, Kool M, Heijn M, de Haas M, Pijnenborg AC, Wijnholds J, van Helvoort A, de Jong MC, Hooijberg JH, Mol CA, van der LM, de Vree JM, van der Valk M, Elferink RP, Borst P, and Scheper RJ (2000) Specific detection of multidrug resistance proteins MRP1, MRP2, MRP3, MRP5, and MDR3 P-glycoprotein with a panel of monoclonal antibodies. Cancer Res 60, 5269-5277.
22►Allen JD, Brinkhuis RF, Van Deemter L, Wijnholds J and Schinkel AH (2000) Extensive contribution of the multidrug transporters P-glycoprotein and Mrp1 to basal drug resistance. Cancer Res 60, 5761-5766.
21►Wijnholds J, de Lange EC, Scheffer GL, van den Berg DJ, Mol CA, van d V, Schinkel AH, Scheper RJ, Breimer DD and Borst P (2000) Multidrug resistance protein 1 protects the choroid plexus epithelium and contributes to the blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier. J Clin Invest 105, 279-285.
20►Wijnholds J, Mol CA, Van Deemter L, de Haas M, Scheffer GL, Baas F, Beijnen JH, Scheper RJ, Hatse S, De Clercq E, Balzarini J and Borst P (2000) Multidrug-resistance protein 5 is a multispecific organic anion transporter able to transport nucleotide analogs. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 97, 7476-7481.
19►Borst P, Evers R, Kool M and Wijnholds J (2000) A family of drug transporters: the multidrug resistance-associated proteins. J Natl Cancer Inst 92:1295-1302.
18►Borst P, Evers R, Kool M and Wijnholds J (1999) The multidrug resistance protein family. Biochim Biophys Acta 1461, 347-357.
17►van Helvoort A, de Brouwer A, Ottenhoff R, Brouwers JF, Wijnholds J, Beijnen JH, Rijneveld A, van der PT, van der Valk MA, Majoor D, Voorhout W, Wirtz KW, Elferink RP and Borst P (1999) Mice without phosphatidylcholine transfer protein have no defects in the secretion of phosphatidylcholine into bile or into lung airspaces. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 96, 11501-11506.
16►Allen JD, Brinkhuis RF, Wijnholds J and Schinkel AH (1999) The mouse Bcrp1/Mxr/Abcp gene: amplification and overexpression in cell lines selected for resistance to topotecan, mitoxantrone, or doxorubicin. Cancer Res 59, 4237-4241.
15►Wijnholds J, Scheffer GL, van der Valk M, van der Valk P, Beijnen JH, Scheper RJ and Borst,P (1998) Multidrug resistance protein 1 protects the oropharyngeal mucosal layer and the testicular tubules against drug-induced damage. J Exp Med 188, 797-808.
14►Wijnholds J, Evers R, van Leusden MR, Mol CA, Zaman GJ, Mayer U, Beijnen JH, van der Valk M, Krimpenfort P and Borst P (1997) Increased sensitivity to anticancer drugs and decreased inflammatory response in mice lacking the multidrug resistance-associated protein. Nat Med 3, 1275-1279.
13►Evers R, Cnubben NH, Wijnholds J, Van Deemter L, van Bladeren PJ and Borst P (1997) Transport of glutathione prostaglandin A conjugates by the multidrug resistance protein 1. FEBS Lett 419, 112-116.
12►Smidt MP, Russchen B, Snippe L, Wijnholds J, and AB G (1995) Cloning and characterisation of a nuclear, site specific ssDNA binding protein. Nucleic Acids Res 23, 2389-2395.
11►Wijnholds J, Chowdhury K, Wehr R and Gruss P (1995) Segment-specific expression of the neuronatin gene during early hindbrain development. Dev Biol 171, 73-84.
10►Smidt MP, Wijnholds J, Snippe L, van Keulen G and AB G (1994) Binding of a bZip protein to the estrogen-inducible apoVLDL II promoter. Biochim Biophys Acta 1219, 115-120.
9►Chalepakis G, Wijnholds J, Giese P, Schachner M and Gruss P (1994) Characterization of Pax-6 and Hoxa-1 binding to the promoter region of the neural cell adhesion molecule L1. DNA Cell Biol 13, 891-900.
8►Chalepakis G, Wijnholds J and Gruss P (1994) Pax-3-DNA interaction: flexibility in the DNA binding and induction of DNA conformational changes by paired domains. Nucleic Acids Res 22, 3131-3137.
7►Wijnholds J, Philipsen S, Pruzina S, Fraser P, Grosveld F and AB G (1993) Estrogen-inducible and liver-specific expression of the chicken Very Low Density Apolipoprotein II gene locus in transgenic mice. Nucleic Acids Res 21, 1629-1635.
6►Chalepakis G, Stoykova A, Wijnholds J, Tremblay P and Gruss P (1993) Pax: gene regulators in the developing nervous system. J Neurobiol 24, 1367-1384.
5►Calkhoven CF, AB G and Wijnholds J (1992) c/CEPB, a chicken transcription factor of the leucine-zipper C/EBP family. Nucleic Acids Res 20, 4093.
4►Wijnholds J, Muller E and AB G (1991) Oestrogen facilitates the binding of ubiquitous and liver-enriched nuclear proteins to the apoVLDL II promoter in vivo. Nucleic Acids Res 19, 33-41.
3►Beekman JM, Wijnholds J, Schippers IJ, Pot W, Gruber M and AB G (1991) Regulatory elements and DNA-binding proteins mediating transcription from the chicken very-low-density apolipoprotein II gene. Nucleic Acids Res 19, 5371-5377.
2►Wijnholds J, Philipsen JN and AB G (1988) Tissue-specific and steroid-dependent interaction of transcription factors with the oestrogen-inducible apoVLDL II promoter in vivo. EMBO J 7, 2757-2763.
1►Smit MJ, Wijnholds J, Duursma AM, Bouma JM and Gruber M (1986) Plasma clearance of mitochondrial aspartate aminotransferase in the rat: competition with mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase. Biomed Biochim Acta 45, 1557-1561.
Peer-reviewed journal articles (not in WoS)
2►Hoek RM, Quinn PM, Hooibrink B, Wijnholds J (2018) Transplantation of NTPDase2-positive Sorted Müller Glial Cells into the Mouse Retina. J Neurosci Neurosurg 1(5):1.
1►Hoek RM, Quinn PM, Alves CH, Hooibrink B, Wijnholds J (2018) NTPDase2 as a surface marker to isolate flow cytometrically a Müller glial cell enriched population from dissociated neural retinae. J Neurosci Neurosurg 1(4):117.
Book Chapters
5►Alves CH, Wijnholds J (2018) CHAPTER: AAV-Mediated Gene Therapy for CRB1-Hereditary Retinopathies. IntechOpen, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.79308. BOOK TITLE & ISBN: "In Vivo and Ex Vivo Gene Therapy for Inherited and Non-Inherited Disorders," 978-1-78985-718-4
4►Verhaagen J, Hol EM, Huitenga I, Wijnholds J, Bergen AB, Boer GJ, Swaab DF (2008) Neurotherapy: Progress in restorative neuroscience and neurology. Elsevier ISBN: 978-0-12-374511-8.
3►Wijnholds J (2006). Multidrug Resistance Proteins and efflux of organic anions at the blood-brain and blood cerebrospinal fluid barriers. Chapter in “Multidrug Resistance-Associated Proteins” by Aiello, C.V. (Nova Science Publishers; ISBN: 1-60021-298-0).
2►Wijnholds J (2005). Multidrug Resistance Proteins and efflux of organic anions at the blood-brain and blood cerebrospinal fluid barriers. Chapter in “Efflux Transporters and the Blood-Brain Barrier” by Taylor, E.M. (Nova Science Publishers; ISBN: 1-59454-625-8 ).
1►Wijnholds J (2002) Drug resistance caused by multidrug resistance-associated proteins. Novartis Found Symp 243, 69-79.
1►Boon, CJF, Wijnholds, J (Eds.) Retinal Gene Therapy (2018) Methods and Protocols. Springer ISBN 978-1-4939-7522-8.
Wijnholds,J. Liver-specific regulation of the oestrogen-inducible apoVLDL II gene. University of Groningen, 1991. (PhD thesis)
Thesis of supervised PhD students:
Kantardzhieva, Albena. Crumbs and MAGUK proteins, from interaction to function. University of Amsterdam, 2006. (PhD thesis)
Alves, Celso Henrique Freitas. The Crumbs Complex in the Retina, from animal models to function. VU University Amsterdam, 2014 (PhD thesis)
Quinn, Peter M. The Retinal Crumbs Complex: From Animal Models and Retinal Organoids to Therapy. Leiden University Medical Center, 2019 (PhD thesis)
Buck, Thilo M. CRB1 gene therapy coming of age: Mechanistic insight and rAAV assays on mouse & human retinal organoid models, LUMC, 2022 (PhD thesis)
Boon, Nanda. Viral gene therapy approaches for CRB1 retinal disease models. Leiden University Medical Center, 2023 (PhD thesis)