foto Jan Wijnholds Jan Wijnholds – Head Jan is principle investigator at the LUMC Department of Ophthalmology, coordinated the CRB1 Gene Therapy program and EU consortia studying the mechanistic functions of CRB1. He published 106 original publications (and 6 other) that were cited more than 9700 times.                                                                                                                                                            

RossellaRossella Valenzano - PhD Student Rossella leads the studies on USH2A and ABCA4 retinal organoids using CRISPR/Cas and viral vectors                                                                 

charlotte andriessenCharlotte Andriessen – Research Assistant Charlotte is an expert on iPS retinal organoids and rodent studies, and works on retina-on-a-chip & ND4 retinal gene therapy.                                            image Vaishnavi    Vaishnavy Karthikeyan - PhD student Vaishnavi leads the studies on PHD2 retinal organoids to examine metabolic changes in photoreceptors & suppression of CRB1 retinal degeneration.                                                                                                                                                        Dr Xuefei Lu - Research AssociateXuefei Lu  Xuefei leads the gene therapy studies for regeneration of the human retina, and is an expert on Adenovirus associated virus (AAV) technology, and iPS derived retina technology.                                          

nanda boon

Yiheng Wang – PhD student Yiheng leads the CRISPR/Cas gene editing and gene augmentation therapy studies for Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy (LHON) due to mutations in the mitochondrial ND4 gene. 

Simin Cheng – PhD student Photo Simin Cheng Simin leads the studies on CRISPR/Cas gene editing and gene augmentation therapy for Retinitis Pigmentosa due to mutations in the CRB1 gene.





- Wendy Aartsen, PhD, 2004-2010
- Svetlana Alexeeva, PhD, 2002-2004
- Henrique Alves, PhD, 2016-2018
- Jeroen Dudok, PhD, 2009-2014
- Carmen Gallego, PhD, 2020-2022
- Robert Hoek, PhD, 2008-2013
- Ditte Lundvig, PhD, 2008-2011
- Anna Malysheva, PhD, 2002-2004
- Jan Meuleman, PhD, 2002-2004
- Bokyung Park, PhD, 2008-2011
- Lucie Pellissier, PhD, 2009-2014
- Koen van Cleef, PhD, 2006-2009
- Serge van de Pavert, PhD, 2002-2005
- Agnes G. van Rossum, PhD, 2004-2006

PhD students:

- Nanda Boon, PhD, 2018-2022
- Thilo Buck, PhD, 2015-2021
- Pete Quinn, PhD, 2011-2019
- Henrique Alves, PhD, 2009-2014
- Albena Kantardzhieva, PhD, 2001-2005
- Andy McDonald, MSc, 2019-2024
- Michaela Orlova, MSc, 2018-2019
- Alicia Sanz Sanz, MSc, 2005-2008

 Research Assistants:

- Carla Neefjes-Mol, BAS, 2000-2002
- Inge Versteeg, BAS, 2002-2007
- Rogier Vos, BAS, 2006-2015
- Dounia Willemsen, BAS, 2004-2005

Students/Trainees (year; daily co-supervisor):
Vinod Adhin (MLO 2010; Robert Hoek)
Huda Ali (MLO 2008; Koen van Cleef)
Hind Almushattat (MSc 2018; Thilo Buck)
Rousjan Amir (MLO 2013/14; Lucie Pellissier)
Rousjan Amir (HLO 2018/19; Nanda Boon/Michaela Orlová)
Lydianne Antonia (MLO 2009; Ditte Lundvig)
Momna Aslam (MLO 2014; Lucie Pellissier)
Macha Beijnen (HLO 2017/2018; Henrique Alves)

Fabio Bigini (MSc 2022; Andy McDonald)
Jesse Boesveld (MSc 2012; Robert Hoek)
Arend Boogaard (HLO 2019/20; Nanda Boon)
Lisa-Milou Bouma (MLO 2012; Henrique Alves)
Ab van der Brink (MLO 2008; Wendy Aartsen)
Christine Brussel (MLO 2010; Henrique Alves)
Thilo Buck (MSc 2014; Lucie Pellissier)
Marjet Dirks (MSc 2013; Peter Quinn)
Clarisse Dondogori (MLO 2014/15; Pete Quinn)
Yacintha van Doorn (HLO 2017/18; Thilo Buck)

Mohamed El Kandoussi (MLO 2021/22; Charlotte Andriessen/Xuefei Lu/Carmen Gallego)
Moira Goeman (MLO 2015; Pete Quinn)
Iswariyaraja Sridevi Gurubaran (MSc 2011; Henrique Alves)
Nynke van de Haar (MLO 2017/18; Henrique Alves)
Penny Hartsuiker (MLO 2010/11; Lucie Pellissier/Ditte Lundvig)

Lars Haver (HLO 2020/2021; Nanda Boon)
Marco Heuvelman (MLO 2014; Lucie Pellissier)
Thalisha ten Holt (MLO 2012; Lucie Pellissier)
Danique Honders (MLO 2014/15; Pete Quinn)
Mathilde Hoogerwerf (MLO 2012; Lucie Pellissier)
Rein Hoogstraaten (MSc 2013; Henrique Alves)
Jairo Hulshof (MSc 2015; Pete Quinn)
Aaron Jansen (MLO 2012; Rogier Vos)
Nienke de Jonge (BSc 2011; Robert Hoek)
Alwin Kamermans (MLO 2007; Wendy Aartsen)
Mees Kamps (MLO 2018/19; Henrique Alves/Michaela Orlova)
Christian Kerker (BSc 2011; Lucie Pellissier)
Rob van Kollenburg (BSc 2010/11; Robert Hoek)
Martijn Koomen (MLO 2017/18; Thilo Buck)

Danielle Koot (BSc 2020; Thilo Buck)
Nienke Koot (HLO 2010; Bokyung Park)
Nienke Koot (HLO 2017; Henrique Alves)
Oswald Kraaikamp (MLO 2012; Lucie Pellissier)
Niels Land (MLO 2008; Koen van Cleef)
Chelsey Linnenbank (HLO 2018/19; Nanda Boon) & research assistant summer 2019
Sarina Maigoda (MLO 2015/16 Pete Quinn; 2016/17 Thilo Buck)
Naoual Markouch (MLO 2011/12; Robert Hoek/Rogier Vos)
Eline Nagel (MLO 2016/17; Pete Quinn)
Moniek Nieuwendijk (MLO 2013; Henrique Alves)

Esmée Nieuwenhuize (MSc 2024; Rossella Valenzano)
Charlotte Ohonin (BSc 2015/16; Pete Quinn)
Arman Özçelik (MLO 2012/13; Rogier Vos)
Maxime Peters (MLO 2013/14; Rogier Vos)
Rawien Ramdien (MLO 2014; Pete Quinn/Rogier Vos)
Ariadna Rocha Sierra (MLO 2019/2020; Thilo Buck)
Esmee Romero (MLO 2008; Wendy Aartsen)
Anna Ryjkova (MLO 2009; Wendy Aartsen)
Feline Spiering (MLO 2011/12; Lucie Pellissier)
Panwasa Suriya (HLO 2011/12; Jeroen Dudok)
Fadime Üzel (MLO 2010; Henrique Alves)

Suzanne Veltkamp (MSc 2021; Nanda Boon)

Roel Verhoeff (MLO 2020/21; Thilo Buck)

Ilse Voshart (MLO 2018/19; Thilo Buck)
Ayse Nur Yilmaz (HLO 2015/16; Pete Quinn/Thilo Buck)

Rutger van Zoeren (MLO 2019/20; Nanda Boon)
Steven Zuidam (HLO 2022/23; Xuefei Lu/Charlotte Andriessen)

Jan-Wijnholds 2Jan Wijnholds